Assad's barbaric

Assad's barbaric , which is also known as the lion and the Nubian lion Atlas is one of the strains of black that have become extinct in the wild during the early twentieth century , and settled in North Africa . I think for a long time that it became extinct completely in early 1940 , leaving nothing of any individuals live as a market Ahras which means market black , some black , which keeps them in zoos and circuses have shown during the past three decades, some of the features that have made them one of the strain Berber or candidate to be at least as well . There are a lot of people and different institutions , which claims that it currently owns a black barbarism , and it appears that there are about forty of them a lion in captivity in Europe as a whole, and the number of individuals , including worldwide to less than a hundred .
The black barbarism among the monsters that Astqdamha Romans to fight the gladiators in the Colosseum that were not the most common , and the Romans were transferred Black from North Africa to Rome cages completely closed and Asjohnha for several days without food to become more aggressive and then they give the gladiators and criminals sentenced to death , including Christians at the time.
Is the black Berber of the biggest strains black Altogether, where Males weigh between 400 and 600 pounds ( 180 to 270 kilograms) and females between 220 and 400 pounds (100 to 180 kilograms) and is so close to tigers Bengali in size , but some experts believe that these sizes exaggerates them greatly , although the true magnitude of this strain is similar to the size of the black African strains inhabiting sub-Saharan ( which weighs nearly 400 pounds ) a little , but there is no reliable source that supports this assertion . Scientists first assume that the structure of these black foreign ( Lebda male large stretches beyond his shoulders ) distinguish it from other strains and can therefore be used as a basis for the definition of this strain , but it is now known that the color and size Allibdh influenced by a number of external factors on the environment inhabited by animals such as temperature [1] , and therefore any strain of black can grow to have a mane huge in an environment colder , and here we can say that it can not be the definition of black barbarism by the size of the Bdtha but should analyze their DNA and finding raised the show identity [ 2 [ 3 ] .
Most of the black in households today is considered pure genetically , as it is the product of hybridization between strains of black different was brought from Africa in years distant and is married to one of ignorance or indifference as wildlife conservation was not one of the first concerns of rights in that period , and thus today , the black captive Jenny has a mixture of several different strains of wild black . Here it is shown that it is difficult to identify any lion is considered a barbarian as all this black bear characteristics in addition to a variety of external environmental factors that affect the shape and appearance make them look different from what they will look like in their native habitat .
The Black Berber share their home with two other big cats , a tiger barbaric bear Atlas , has been extinct second while nearing the first to extinction , while the lion's barbaric , some of the scientists and institutions ( such as the location of extinction ) assume that extinct and do not recognize the existence of individual neighborhood pure genetically Today that is recognized by some of the tests , while others argue that this black is still alive as long as there is a black bear at least part of their characteristics genetic , although identifying these black carrying these properties could enable them to breeding and re- members the pure ones to the wild .