Red Fox

Red Fox of foxes animal belongs to the rank of a carnivore and a platoon Alkalpaat , which is also known as a fox Once it is more common types of foxes , especially in Britain and Ireland , where there is no longer any kind of wild Alkalpaat else .
Spreads red fox across diverse regions and expanses of the world which makes it more carnivores prevalent on the face of the earth , it is spread across Canada , Alaska , most of the United States , Europe , North Africa , and throughout Asia, almost including Japan , have also been introduced into Australia in a century the nineteenth century. [1] characterized by red foxes , as the name suggests , Pferaúha which ranges in color from reddish-brown and red rusty and there are silver fashion for these animals in some cases , have been domesticated many of these foxes silver for their fur used to make coats precious .
Red fox appears in folklore and human heritage in abundance , and often began to link it by cunning and deceit , fraud , and sometimes it appears on the evil and on the other times he uses the oppressed cunning to save himself at the last minute . It was subtle source of these animals admiration and appreciation for some civilizations while he was a reason for Mguetha and their hatred for others who often prescribe parasitic animals . Still more people today associate the red fox harm and damage more than an animal pathetic , and clearly demonstrates it to the farmers and poultry farmers in particular .